- 論文の詳細を見る
1. The effects of CCC on vegetative growth and sex expression were investigated for raising a useful measure of applying CCC to the practical cucumber growing. Seven cultivars used were grown in a greenhouse during successive four seasons.2. The effects of CCC and of various environmental factors to the sex expression in cucumbers were, in general, definitely smaller than those of genetic factors. Accordingly, the choice of suitable cultivars becomes to be a quite positive practice and CCC should be taken as an additional tool for modifying their genetic control.3. CCC was applied in 3 different ways, i.e., 2, 4, and 6 times of applications with 2 days intervals using always the same concentration of 1000 ppm. A number of pistillate flowers were effectively induced by CCC throughout all the 4 seasons examined. It was noted that there was a quadratic relation of the number of pistillate flowers to the frequency of CCC treatments, and also that the preferable repetition for such induction became to be somewhat 4 in times. Each cultivar showed more or less different sensitivity to CCC application and also different behavior from season to season. And, it was made clear that such differential sensitivity of cultivars to CCC did not always correspond to their sensitiveness to environmental factors.4. In the case where a rather large effect of CCC was observed there could be noticed a remarkable variation in the number of pistillate flowers from individual to individual in the control plot. This might mean that CCC can act more effectively in cases where plants are in an unstable situation for the sex expression.5. The growth inhibitory effect of CCC was also appeared in both stem elongation and leaf expansion for each season. A cultivar showing a rather remarkable growth inhibitory effect of CCC had also a growing tendency of higher seasonal variation.6. The exact relationship between the growth inhibition and the pistillate flower induction could not be made clear so far. But, it was duly suggested that the suppression of growth was not directly connected with the pistillate flower induction.
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