花木類の花芽分化に関する研究(第6報) : コリンクチナシ,ヤエクチナシ及びハクモクレンの花芽分化期並びに花芽の発育経過について
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(1) The first flower bud formation in Gardenia occurs in the terminal bud on current shoot which develops; in spring, and after the first flower bud is formed, two or three lateral shoots appear from the base of the first flower bud, and then the second flower bud formation occurs in the tip of these shoots. (2) In G. jasminoides ELLIS, the time of the first flower bud differentiation was at the end of July, and the second was at the beginning of September, 1955 in Kagawa. However in G. jasminoides ELLIS var. ovalifolia NAKAI, the first flower buds were differentiated at the end of July, and the second was differentiated at the end of August. (3) The first flower buds progressed their de-velopment to stamen or pistil formation stage at the beginning of September, about 40 days after flower buds were initiated, and they were observed macroscopically. Then some of the buds droped in winter, but others developed in spring, and flowered in July. (4) The second flower buds also developed to stamen or pistil formation stage within 40 days, but they were not observed macroscopically until the next spring. Flower buds in early stages were observed almost every month from September to May. The flowers of G. jasminoides ELLIS, began to bloom on July 1, 1956, and in G. jasminoides ELLIS var. ovaliforia NAKAI, on June 26, 1956. (5) No shoot appeared from the base of the second flower bud until, the following spring when two or three shoots appeared, but no flower bud differentiation was observed in these shoots until the end of July. (6) In Magnolia denudata DESR., flower bud differentiation occurred on May 12, 1955, in Kagawa, and progressed their stages of development normally to pollen mother cell formation stage on July 7, 1955. And the flower buds of pollen forma-tion stage were also observed on February 16, 1956. The flowers began to bloom on March 20, 1956.
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