悪性 Schwann 腫の1例
- 論文の詳細を見る
A case report of malignant schwannomaTwenty six-year-old woman had noticed a coin sized tumor on the upper part of her left breast from about 11 years ago. This tumor had gradual growth since that time. When she visited our hospital, the tumor had dome shaped appearance with erythema and the size was 3cm in diameter.In her physical examination, our diagnosis was hemangioma immediately treated by simple resection. In light microscopic study, the tumor contained of spindle shaped cells with herring bone pattern in arrengement. Immunohistochemically, these tumor cells did not react with anti-vimentin, -desumin, -factor VIII, -S-100, -NSE, -myoglobin, -CEA, -keratin and -lysosome. In the electron microscopic study of the tissue, we could detect some projections from the tumor cells which surrounded by a basement membrane like structure and adhered to a desmosome like structure. According to these findings our diagnosis was malignant schwannoma.Since then we removed the first and second recurrences of the tumor, afterward the patient was treated by chemotherapy by Farmorubicin. There was no recurrence in her follow up of about 1 year.
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