Statistical Evaluation on the Correlation between Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography and Pancreozymin-Secretin Test-Structure and Function in Chronic Pancreatitis
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In order to establish the criteria for diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis, it is important to know structure and function, i.e., pathological anatomy and function in chronic pancreatitisThere may be many causes of dispersion on evaluation of correlation between endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and pancreozymin-secretin test, that is, the multiformity in each of pathological anatomy and function, moreover in test itself, its procedure, manipulation, estimation of data in both of ERCP and pancreozymin-secretin test. Accordingly, it should draw stochastically statistical inference from data to know the correlation.The criteria for grading of ERCP was proposed for the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis in 1972 by the authors, i.e., minimal, moderate and advanced stage. It is necessary to obtain visualization of the branches in ERCP for the above diagnosis, so manometric injection monitoring, prophylactic antiboitic use, sterilization of the manometer and cannula, and use of the following contrast material mixture, 1.0g of thiamphenicol aminoacetate HCl (Neomyson G) dissolved in about 6ml of saline and mixed 19ml of 65% meglumine diatrizoate (Angiografin) has been carried out for accomplishing ERCP with safety and effectiveness.Regression of total volume, total amylase output and maximum bicarbonate concentration of pancreozymin-secretin test on the grade of ERCP was calculated, and consequently, predominantly significant on the probability less than 0.1% in all of these three factors.Regression of frequency of abnormality below m-s and m-2s in three factors of pancreozymin-secretin test was predominantly significant on the probability less than 0.1% in both of m-s and m-2s.Evaluation of ERCP of cases in which ERCP and pancreozymin-secretin test did not coincide, i.e., which were beyond one standard deviation from regression line, revealed more remarkable difference in grading among the parts of the pancreas. This finding suggests the pathological multiformity in chronic pancreatitis, if the examination of ERCP and pancreozymin-secretin test were performed properly by the skilled hands and interpreted by the authorized investigators. Moreover this finding could explain the reason of this discrepancy with the assumption that pancreozymin-secretin test is functional mean value whereas ERCP is structural maximum value on the estimation. By means of sufficiently visualized ERCP, "structural mean value", i.e., "mean grade"G=∑fiGi/∑ficould be calculated.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文
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