Statistical Study of Diverticulum of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Observed by Mass Survey for Esophageal and Gastaic Cancer
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From April 1967 to December 1972, 8141 cases had been examined by indirect radiographyfor the purpose of the detection of upper gastrointestinal cancer. Most of all cases wereasymptomatic. The most frequent distribution of age were in the 4th and 5th decade and6181 cases were male and 1960 cases were female. Radiographs were taken by 70mm rollfilm by using Canon's mirror camera. Twelve films were taken per one case, three for theesophagus and nine for the stomach.As a radiopaque material, 300ml of 75% barium sulphate was used and bubble-producingtablets were given just before the examination.Esophageal diverticulum was found in 117 cases and total numbers were 145. Theincidence of esophageal diverticulum was 1.44% per total examined cases. Among 117 cases, 87 cases were male and 30 cases were female. 96 cases were single diverticulum and 21cases were multiple. The most popular location of esophageal diverticulum was the anteriorwall of the mid-thoracic esophagus.Gastric diverticulum was observed in 22 cases (0.27%) among 8141 cases. 19 caseswere male and 3 cases were female. 21 cases were single diverticulum and 1 case was doublediverticula. All of these diverticulum were located on the fornix. 6 cases out of 22 casescomplained of upper gastrointestinal discomfort.244 of duodenal diverticulum were found in 206 cases, 32 cases (16%) of them weremultiple. Among 206 cases, 150 cases were male and 56 cases were female. 60.2% of duodenaldiverticula occured in the inner posterior wall of the second portion of the duodenum, and the upper wall of the third portion of the duodenum was the next most commonsite (24.6%).Coexistence of esophageal and gastric diverticulum were seen in 1 case and its incidencewas 0.01%. Esophageal and duodenal diverticulum were coexistent in 6 cases (0.07%), gastric and duodenal diverticulum were in 2 cases (0.02%).Many statistical reports about the incidence of diverticular diseases are based on patientssee doctors due to any complaints, however no reports of diverticular diseases in healthyadults has been seen.In our study, the incidence of esophageal, gastric and duodenal diverticulum is relativelyhigher compared with these previous reports.
熊谷 義也
山崎 栄龍
鈴木 修
有森 正樹
杉田 輝地
長瀬 徹也
熊谷 義也
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- 注腸検査用ダブル バルーン カテーテル
- Effect on the intestinal flora of preoperative bowel preparation for colorectal surgery.
- Statistical Study of Diverticulum of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Observed by Mass Survey for Esophageal and Gastaic Cancer