- 論文の詳細を見る
The properties of the seed-oil of Itachisasage and its components concerned with fatty acids and unsaponifiable matters were studied. The oil was obtained by extracting the dried seeds with ether, then treating with <I>n</I>-hexane. The yield of the <I>n</I>-hexane-soluble oil was 7.5% to the dried seeds and the properties were as follows; <I>n</I><SUP>21</SUP><SUB>D</SUB> 1.4764, I.V. 130.0, S.V. 187.0 and unsaponifiable matters 0.5%. The mixed fatty acids were obtained with 93.0% yield, and which were esterified to methyl esters with methanol and <I>p</I>-toluenesulfonic acid. The esters were treated with mercuric acetate, then seperated to saturated parts and unsaturated parts (mercuric acetate adducts) through silica gel column developing with benzene. The fatty acids in each parts analysed by means of gaschromato-graphy were as follows; C<SUB>14</SUB>F<SUB>0</SUB> 0.10%, C<SUB>16</SUB>F<SUB>0</SUB> 6.5%, C<SUB>18</SUB>F<SUB>0</SUB>2.4%, C<SUB>20</SUB>F<SUB>0</SUB> 1.5%, C<SUB>16</SUB>F<SUB><I>x</I></SUB> 0.20%, C<SUB>18</SUB>F<SUB>1</SUB>10.8 %, C<SUB>18</SUB>F<SUB>2</SUB> 74.9%, C<SUB>18</SUB>F<SUB>3</SUB> 3.0% and C<SUB>20</SUB>F<SUB><I>x</I></SUB> 0.6%.<BR>The sterol-percentage in the unsaponifiable matters was 31.3%, and the main sterol in them seemed to be β-sitosterol.
- 社団法人 日本油化学会の論文
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