- 論文の詳細を見る
The climatological characteristics of heavy rainfalls in Hokkaido Island are investigated on the basis of areal frequency distribution of heavy rainfalls (the amount of daily precipitation above 100mm) and geographical distribution of the maximum daily precipitation. The causes of heavy rainfalls and the maximum daily precipitation are investigated on the daily synoptic weather charts, and their geographical distributions are also investigated. Relation between the regional characteristics of heavy rainfalls and the location of the Polar front is discussed. The statistical period is 25 years, from 1973 to 1977 and the data of 256 stations are analysed.<BR>As a result, Hokkaido Island is divided into two climatic regions, the one is ‘high frequency heavy rainfall region (HR)’ and the other is ‘low frequency heavy rainfall region (LR)’. The bordering line of these two regions runs approximately from ENE to WSW, from Shiretoko peninsula, via Shiranuka Hills, Ishikari Mountains, Hidaka Mountains, Iburi Mountains to the southern part of Oshima Peninsula.<BR>To the south of this line is the HR in which local extremly high frequency heavy rainfall regions are located on the eastern to southern slopes of the mountain ranges. In this region the frequency of heavy rainfalls is more than once per year, and the maximum daily precipatation exceeds 300mm. The main causes of heavy rainfalls here are extratropical cyclones passing to the south of Hokkaido Island from Japan Sea or from Pacific Ocean, most often in August and September. This types of heavy rainfalls are mainly caused by the moist air flow from these cyclones and the effect of orographic rifting strengthens the rainfalls. In these cases the Polar front is usually located to the south of Hokkaido Island.<BR>On the other hand to the north of the line, the frequency of heavy rainfalls decreases drastically to less than once per five years. Here the main causes of heavy rianfalls are fronts and tropical cyclones, mainly in July and August. This time the Polar front lies in the northern part of Hokkaido Island and this location corresponds to its mean northernmost position. The region in which the main cause of heavy rainfalls is such northernmost Polar front is classified into ‘frontal heavy rainfall region’. In addition, extremly low frequency heavy rainfall rigion in which no heavy rainfalls were recorded through whole investigated period are discerned.
- 社団法人 東京地学協会の論文
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- 小特集「グローバル気候変動 (Part II)」序説
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- 3. 東アジア乾燥地域周辺の水循環
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- バングラデシュにおける夏季モンスーン対流活動と上空の風に見られる日変化
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- 1998年夏東アジアモンスーンのCCSR/NIES AGCMによるシミュレーション
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- 東アジアにおける秋雨前線の経年変動とその推移について
- アジア熱帯域における対流活動と降雨の日変化
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- レーウィンゾンデとレーダーデータを用いたバングラデシュにおける夏季モンスーン対流活動日変化の研究
- Global distribution of the daily maximum precipitation
- 「北海道の動気候」大川隆著
- P418 ベトナム・フィリピン豪雨集中観測2010 (VPREX2010)(ポスター・セッション)
- 北海道の豪雨
- A303 過去100年間の西部北太平洋域の台風経路の変化(スペシャル・セッション「地球温暖化に伴う台風変化の理解に向けて」,一般口頭発表)
- B155 中部ベトナムの持続的豪雨に及ぼす季節内変動の影響(熱帯大気,一般口頭発表)
- P334 ALERA2を用いたVPREX2010ゾンデデータの同化インパクト(ポスター・セッション)
- 特集号「ジオパークと地域振興」 : 巻頭言
- 特集号「グローバル気候変動 (Part III)」序説
- 熱帯降雨観測衛星TRMMを用いたアフリカ大陸熱帯域における雷活動と降水の季節変化
- D107 スマトラ島の対流活動による西沖上部対流圏の夜間加湿効果(熱帯大気,一般口頭発表)
- D105 インドネシア・スマトラ沿岸豪雨帯の形成過程について : HARIMAU2011集中観測結果速報(熱帯大気,一般口頭発表)
- B154 インドネシア・スマトラ沿岸豪雨帯の形成過程について : HARIMAU2011集中観測結果概要(第2報)(スペシャル・セッション「インド洋におけるMJO研究-CINDY2011」,口頭発表)
- P186 赤道越え北風サージの北西ジャワ降水経年変動への寄与(ポスター・セッション)
- P182 VPREX2010集中観測で捉えられた中部ベトナム東岸における対流活動の特徴(ポスター・セッション)
- P129 フィリピンLaoagでの地表面日射量・放射量観測(ポスター・セッション)
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