Bacterial Aerosolに関する研究 : 第1報 ブドウ球菌の生物学的性状
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The biological properties of carrier-borne and air-borne staphylcocci were investigated in order to elucidate the significance of bacterial aerosol in ordinary living environments from the view point of environmental medicine.1. There was an intimate correlation between coagulase reaction and deoxyribonuclease reaction of staphylococci found in the noses of carriers.2. In the air-borne staphylococcus strains, coagulase-positive strains were very few, while deoxyribonuclease-positive strains reached about 25%.3. In coagulase-positive strains of both carrier-borne and air-borne staphylococci, alpha-lysin and beta-lysin were found in a high percentage and delta-lysin was also found, though much less. However, in coagulase-negative and deoxyribonuclease-positive strains there was no production of hemolysin.Existence of pathogenic staphylococci should be considered to be a valid indicator of atmospheric bacterial contamination in living environments. These results indicate that the deoxyribonuclease reaction would be valuable as a screening-test of pathogenic staphylococci, although there was no production of hemolysin in coagulase-negative and deoxyribonuclease-positive strains.
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