戸籍制度を利用した子宮頸癌, 乳癌, 胃癌の患者対照研究
- 論文の詳細を見る
The present investigation was carried out to examine the possibility of whether or not the Koseki-Record System, unique in Japan and known as an excellent tool for follow-up studies, could also be utilized in case-control studies. Cancer patients and an equal number of sex-age-matched control patients were chosen for the following four groups: cancer of the cervix uteri (103 ea.), cancer of the breast (104 ea.), cancer of the stomach, males (106 ea.) and females (101 ea.). Utilizing the Koseki-Record System, information on these patients relating to reproductive life was secured within a short time at a minimum cost.In comparison with control patients, breast-cancer patients showed the tendency to marry and give birth to their first child at a later age. The risk of developing breast cancer may be inversely related to the number of children. Uterine-cancer patients may include a greater proportion of individuals who experienced re- or multi-marriages and gave birth to illegitimate children. As for cancer of the stomach, no essential difference in findings was noted between the two groups.Thus, the Koseki-Record System can be considered a useful utility for epidemiologic, case-control studies; when information associated with reproductive life is required.
- 日本衛生学会の論文
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