- 論文の詳細を見る
One of the interesting characteristics of soots from the point of view of environmental carcinogenesis is strong adsorption of carcinogenic polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons by soots. It has been reported that soots of smaller particle size have stronger adsorptive property and this is a possible explanation for the low carcinogenic potency pertaining to those smaller soots.The present study was undertaken in order to surface-chemically examine the adsorption of benzo [a] pyrene by carbon black because such study has scarcely been reported. A commercial brand of thermal black and two brands of furnace black were examined. A known amount of a carbon black was thoroughly shaken with a measured volume of various concentrations of cyclohexane solution of benzo [a] pyrene in a tube at 25° or 40°. The resultant equilibrium concentration was estimated spectrophotometrically obtaining adsorption isotherms of the carbon black and cyclohexane system.The results obtained were as follows:1) Adsorption isotherms fitted the Freundlich equation except at very low concentrations.2) Differential heat of adsorption calculated from the isotherms was 5-6kcal/mol.3) Neither hysteresis loop nor irreversible adsorption was recognized.It was concluded therefore that adsorption of benzo [a] pyrene by corbon black was essentially physical and not so strong as chemisorption.
- 日本衛生学会の論文
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