- 論文の詳細を見る
An investigation was made on noise and air pollution caused by automobiles passing Kanmon Tunnel from 9:30a.m. to 4:30p.m. on Feb. 26, 1964, The positon taken was at the centre of the tunnel. This tunnel is 3461.4m. in length and is one of the most important links between Honshu and Kyushu Islands of Japan. The investigations took place every 30 minutes and the following is the result.1) Three thausands two hundreds and eighty one autmobiles proceeded through the tunnel's entrance over 7 hour period. The expected increase is arise to a approximately 12, 000 per day by 1970.2) Suspended dusts in the tunnel were sampled by the "Roken Type Dust Sampler" like Owen's Jet Dust-Sampling Instrument and were counted using a microscope as is usual. The mean amount of Suspended dusts was 824/ml. of the air. More than 1000/ml. of dust was detected twice out of six times in the a.m., and 3 out of 8 times in the p.m. Such a condition is the most infavorable for laborers in the area.3) Concentrations of CO2 were examined twice every 30 munites using "Kitagawa's Indicator Sampler.". The concentration of CO2 didn't reach a remarkable high level, but was between 0.05%-0.07%. The mean value of this test is 0.059%.4) Carbon Monoxide, an important part of the study of air pollution caused by automobiles, was checked regularly close to the entrance of the tunnel. The concentration of CO which was measured location was between 0.01% to 0.03% and the mean value was 0.03%.5) Sulfur dioxide in the air, which may be exhausted mainlyfr om diesel engines, was absorbed by the HgCl2-NaCl solution in a small impinger bottle. Next the concentration of SO2 was measured by colorimetry method using p-rosaniline and formaline as reagents. The mean concentration and the maximum concentration of this survey was 0.189 and 0.239p.p.m. respectively.6) Sound level was checked 5 times every 30 minutes using a sound level meter. Maximum sound level from trucks was 116 phon (A). The level of the back ground noise in the tunnel was between 82 phon (A) to 100 phon. As a result of octave band analysis, the over all sound level had a very high intensity and the main frequency of noise in the tunnel was composed of low frequency. The results of this investigation above sound level, concentrations of carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide in this particular tunnel were unexpectedly over the normal range levels. Therefore, it can be concluded that an increase of ventilation volume should be undertaken while an attempt bema de to decrease the concentration levels of exhaust gases given off by the vehicles under consideration.
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