Panfuran(3-Amino-6(5'-nitrofuryl-2'-ethenyl)-1,2,4-triazine hydrochloride)およびそのAcethyl誘導体の毒性に関する研究
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Acute and chronic toxicity were investigated experimentally for new Nitrofuran derivatives-Panfuran, Panfuran-acetate. Panfuran-diacetate and Paufuran-base. The intra-peritional lethal dose of 50 percent (LD 50) of mice was found to be 0.13gm/kg. of body weight in Panfuran, 0.435gm/kg. in Panfuran-acetate and 0.147gm/kg. in Panfuran-diacetate respectively. In subcutaneous administration, the LD 50 could be found to be 0.597gm/kg only in Panfuran. The oral LD 50 of rats was found to be 3.22gm/kg. in Panfuran. The chronic toxicity of these compounds was studied for one year using King Wister strain rats for feeding experiments. Five males and five females were placed in each of the diet groups, 1/10, 1/500 and 1/1000 of oral LD 50 of them.The results obtaind in the feeding experiments were as follows:1. According to an analysis of group curves, reduction of the natural gain of body weight was observed on the rats which were fed with the diet incorporated, with only 1/10 dose of oral LD 50 in each of the four drugs. This reduction was equally observed in both sexes and it was more severe in the female than in male.2. As for histological findings, main changes were observed in liver, kidny. spleen and testis. Necrobiosis, degenerative changes, pyknosis and fatty invasion of hepatic cell and confusion of liver strings were observed in all groups of rats. These were the most severe in the case of 1/10 dose of Panfuran. All other diet groups except those not demonstrating necrobiosis, but, other pathologic findings of hepatic cells were slightly revealed in these cases.3. Degenerative changes and cloudy swelling of epithelial cells of renal tubules and renal cylinders were observed in all diet groups of four drugs. However, hepatic changes were rather mild in Panfuran groups, and especially in Panfuran-base groups, they were markedly observed without suggesting any difference of drug intake.4. Pathological changes for the testis were characteristically demonstrated. Marked atrophy of seminifeous epithelium were identically caused by Panfuran; Mature spermatozoid and spermatid were rarely discovered and also conspicuous reduction of spermyocyte was observed. These pathological findings were even presented in Panfuran-acetate groups but atrophy of testis was only observed in one group of 1/10 dose of LD 50 which was not so severe as Panfuran groups.5. From these results, it is suggested that the toxic effects of Panfuran-acetate and Panfuran-diacetate are no less mild than that of both Nitrofurazone and Nitrofurylacrylamide allowing actual food additives. The use of the former two Nitrfuran derivatives is usually available for food preservatives.
- 日本衛生学会の論文
- 公害係数(Nuisance Index)について
- 9. 鉛取扱作業者と一般市民の鉛中毒予防特殊健診について : 1. 環境中および血中鉛量 (日本産業衛生協会九州地方会)
- 環境中鉛量と血中鉛量との関連についての研究
- Panfuran(3-Amino-6(5'-nitrofuryl-2'-ethenyl)-1,2,4-triazine hydrochloride)およびそのAcethyl誘導体の毒性に関する研究
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