わが国における20年間の平均出生時体重の年次推移 : 単産,全国・県別,性別,1969-88年
- 論文の詳細を見る
Using vital statistics (1981-1988) of the Japanese government, the mean birth weight (MBW) classified by sex was calculated from a birth weight distribution of the single births with 500g intervals for all Japan, prefectures and regions. These MBWs were linked with the MBW of 1969-1980 in our previous reports (Ref. 1)2)). The MBWs of single births for twenty years (1969-1988) were investigated and it was pointed out that the MBWs classified by area (all Japan, prefectures and regions) were on the decrease recently and that the areal differences of the MBW were becoming large.For all Japan a secular change in the MBW was discussed for the term of a standard deviation, a skewness, a kurtosis, and relative frequencies of less than 2500g (weight class 1), those from 2500g to 3999g (weight class 2) and those of 4000g or more (weight calss 3). These investigations revealed that birth weights of Japan have had a tendency to have a small standard deviation, a negative skewness, and a large kurtosis. Weight class 1 decreased until 1976 and increased after this year. Weight calss 2 was on the increase up to 1988, and weight class 3 increased until 1973 and decreased afterward, as if it were accompanied by the MBW.For the purpose of confirming the contribution of each weight class to the annual change of the MBW, an analytical method for the weight frequency distribution was proposed as follows. Let M, M, pi and pi represent the MBW of a given year (year A), the MBW of an another year (year B), the relative frequency of the i-th weight class in year A and that in year B, respectively. Suppose that M (i)" represents the MBW when only the i-th weight class has pi as a relative frequency even in year B. Then, as the result of a fairly simple calculation, the difference between the MBW in year A and that in year B, M-M, is obtained as follows; M-M=∑(1-pi)(M-M(i)"). Therefore, the amount (1-pi) (M-M(i)") is able to be considered as a share of the i-th weight class in relation to the difference of M-M. Acordingly, the share proportioned to the summation of the absolute amount, |(1-pi)(M-M(i)")|/∑|(1-pi)(M-M(i)")|, may represent the degree of the contribution of the i-th weight class to the difference, M-M.Dividing the twenty years into an MBW-increasing period (from 1969 to 1976) and an MBW-decreasing period (from 1976 to 1988), the above analysis was performed in these two periods for all Japan by sex. In both periods the change of the MBW was largely due to the change of the class weighing from 3500g to 3999g, and secondarily to the class weighing from 2500g to 2999g, from the point of view of the proportioned share. It is interesting that the third large proportion fell in the class weighing less than 2500g in the MBW-increasing period and that it fell in the class weighing 4000g or more in the MBW-decreasing period. These results were obtained for both males and females. In order to eliminate the bias from the difference of distribution classified by parity, the primiparous birth weight distributions from 1969 to 1988 of males of all Japan were analyzed. In this analysis the same results were obtained. Consequently, it was suggested that the above results were not due to a difference of distribution classified by parity.Considering that it is important to reduce the number of low-birth-weight infants in maternal and child health practice and to get expectant mothers maintain a proper weight from the viewpoint of maternal and child health guidance, it seems that the change of the birth weight distribution for the last twenty years represents one of the good results of maternal and child health activity.
- 日本衛生学会の論文
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- I109 ホームヘルパーの疲労調査(第2報)
- ミャンマー連邦におけるヘルスワーカーの労働の実情
- 医学部公衆衛生学実習の機会を用いたピア・エデュケーションによる性教育の試み
- 33. わが国における世帯の主な仕事と平均出生時体重との関係(1984年) (第10回産業医科大学学会総会学術講演会記録)
- 10.学生の口頭発表を対象とした複数教員による学習評価
- 3.出生時体重計測に関する諸問題
- 2.沖縄県の平均出生時体重の季節変動について
- 8.レポートを対象とした学習評価(教員相互間の比較)
- 16.那覇市内某医療機関における単産出生児の体格の年次推移(1955-1987年)
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- 出生時体重の測定値に影響を与える要因
- 北九州市における地域保健医療の人的資源 その3 学校医の属性
- 北九州市における地域保健医療の人的資源 : その2産業医の属性
- 北九州市における地域保健医療の人的資源 : その1 医師の動向
- 那覇市内の2つの某医療機関における在胎週別平均出生時体重の差異
- 北九州市における地域保健医療の人的資源 その4 社会福祉施設における医師の属性
- 4.小グループによる課題研究実習(医師会活動の事例)
- 北九州市における産業医選任事業場と産業医の関連
- わが国における20年間の平均出生時体重の年次推移 : 単産,全国・県別,性別,1969-88年
- 度数分布表から算出した平均出生時体重の補正 : 全国,単産,男女別,1969-88年
- 産科医療施設における出生時体重測定値のDigit Preference
- 12.筑豊地区見学実習8年の歩みとその評価
- 労働者に適用した肥満指標とそれらの相互関係
- 25.公立小中学校における健康教育実習
- 9.母親の職業による平均出生時体重の相違について
- 2.セミナー方式による授業の導入について
- わが国の大都市における平均出生時体重の年次推移(単産,1969-1980年)
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- 出生時体重の度数分布表の階級数と平均値の変化 : 県,保健所,市町村別
- 長野県における平均出生時体重および出生数の季節変動の分析
- 沖縄県における平均出生時体重の季節変動の分析
- 那覇市内某医療機関における過去33年間の平均出生時体重および平均在胎日数の推移について