Communication Aid for Aphasic Patients. Utilization of "Communication-Notebook".:—Utilization of "Communication-Notebook"—
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We developed a notebook named "Communication-Notebook" as aid for a practical communication and investigated its use by 22 aphasic patients.<BR>The Communication-Notebook is a notebook with photographs, drawings, and/or Kanji -words of articles thought to be important in the daily lives of the patients.<BR>We investigated how the Communication-Notebook was used and examined its efficacy as a practical communication tool.<BR>The results are summarized as follows.<BR>(1) In order to utilize the Communication-Notebook effectively, a patient must maintain a satisfactory mental function, be highly motivated toward communication, be socially minded, and be in a favorable communicative environment.<BR>(2) The Communication-Notebook can be a practical communication tool from the comparatively acute stage of aphasia.<BR>(3) Since there are topics of conversation in which the Communication-Notebook is not available, alternative communication methods are necessary.<BR>(4) For optimum use of the Communication-Notebook, it should be explained not only to patients, but also to their family members and persons who take care of them in daily life.
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