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Recently, there are many citizens works to use regional resources in Japan. Some local areas try it as the ecomuseum works that the citizens develop by networking of the scattered regional resources, considering the whole area as a museum. Ecomuseum is the museum for the purpose of community development through preservation activities of regional heritages by residents. Ecomuseum has little environmental load, therefore, city planners or administrative organs are interested in ecomuseum as an original and epoch-making measure of community development. The purpose of this study is to reveal the current status of the ecomuseum works and the educational activities in such areas. For investigating them, we conducted questionnaires for regional governments that have executed the ecomuseum works. Our analysis and consideration of the spatial characterization and the management and operation in the educational activities utilizing the regional resources from this investigation showed the current status and the problems regarding the ecomuseum works in Japan.
- 社団法人 日本造園学会の論文
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