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A new homogeneous liquid-liquid extraction method was applied to the extraction of molybdenum (VI). This method is based on the high solubility of propylene carbonate in water at higher temperature and is characteristic in taking once the state of a uniform solution consisted of water and the organic solvent during the procedure. Equal volume of warmed propylene carbonate was added to 10m<I>l</I> of 1m<I>M</I> molybdate solution of pH 2.5 adjusted with hydrochloric acid in a stoppered centrifuge tube on a water bath warmed above 70°C. After making a uniform solution by shaking the mixture gently twice or thrice, the solution was cooled and centrifuged to separate two layers. As much as 97% of molybdenum (VI) was extracted into propylene carbonate by a single process. This method is useful especially for the extraction of compounds with slower formation rate, for instance, the metal β-diketonates.
- 社団法人 日本分析化学会の論文
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