赤外線吸収スペクトル法によるスコポラミンの定量 : トロパンアルカロイドの分析研究(第2報)
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To determine the residual percentage of material scopolamine in the preparation of <I>n</I>-butyl scopolamine bromide, a method by infrared absorption was examined.<BR>An aliquot of the reaction product was made acidic with 1 <I>N</I> hydrochloric acid and shaken with carbon tetrachloride. The aqueous layer was then made alkaline with ammonia. It was then extracted with an equi-volume mixture of chloroform and carbon tetrachloride, and the extract was evaporated to dryness under reduced pressure. The residue was taken up and made up to volume with carbon tetrachloride and filtered through absorbent cotton. The infrared absorption was measured by using a 0.5 mm KRS-5 cell against carbon tetrachloride employing 1720 cm<SUP>-1</SUP>as the key band. The minimum detecting sensitivity (S/N=2) was 0.1 mg/m<I>l</I>.
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