- 論文の詳細を見る
Recently, cultivation of Hamachi (the young of Seriola quinqueradiata) has been carried on in various districts along the coasts of the Seto Inland Sea. The culture ponds now in use may be divided broadly into two types. The pond of the first type (“channel” type) is constructed by erecting stone dams at both ends of a narrow channel between two islands. Ponds of Ageshima and Kiheijima fish farms are of this type. The pond of the other type (“bay” type) is made by stretching wire-netting or fishing net at the mouth of a small bay. Representatives of the ponds of this type are found at Fukura and Uto fish farms. Sea water flows into or from the ponds, more or less freely, by tide and tidal current, passing through sluices of the dam in the former or through net meshes in the latter. In the present study, investigation was made on some physical and chemical characters and change or circulation of the sea water of several Hamachi-ponds of thses types, with special reference to the possible relation between change of pond water and carrying capacity of the pond. The results obtained may be summarized as follows: 1) In the ponds of the channel type, sea water continually flowed into them through sluices of either of the opposite dams, except about an hour or two at low water. In the ponds of the bay type, on the contrary, the inflow of sea water discontinued from high water to low one. Consequently, the vertical gradient of the environmental factors was less remarkable in the latter than in the former. 2) It was established both theoretically and observationally that the oxygen concentration of the pond water was determined by three principal agents, viz., change or circulation of pond water, absorption of atomospheric oxygen and respiration of fish. It was, likewise, demonstrated that the ammonia concentration was varied mainly due to change of the pond water and excretion of fish. 3) A positive, linear relation was found to exist between the degree of change of the pond water and the carrying capacity of the fish pond.
- 公益社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
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