マイワシの生長過程に関する研究-II : 與謝内海,久美浜湾におけるマイワシ体成分の変化
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The author reported in his previous paper that a remarkable difference in growth was observed between both sardines living under different environmental conditions each other, namely in Yosanaikai and in Kumihama Bay, Kyoto Prefecture. To make comparison of body components among such sardines, for the first step, crude fat content of the fish in both areas was determined, and also, in order to trace the changes of body components during their growth, both crude fat and crude protein were examined of the Yosanaikai sardine through its growing period in summer. Results obtained are as follows. 1. Fat content is found higher in sardines of Yosanaikai where fish growth is better than in Kumihama Bay. Difference of fish growth is considered to be caused mainly by the differcnce of plankton production between both areas. 2. Rate of increase of body protein and that of body fat is the sardines show a marked variation through their growth stages, the former exceeding the latter during the koba-stage, while the latter becomes higher than the former in the chuba-stage. The fat storage of the chuba-singed sardine seems to increase, especially soon after the end of summer season, when the water temperature begins to drop slightly.
- 公益社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
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