魚類の鱗の再生に関する研究-II1) : マドジョウの再生鱗について
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(1) It is difficult to tear off experimentally the scales of mud-loach, Misgurnus fossilis anguillicaudatus, because of their relatively small size. If the operation is carried out unskillfully, deformed scales would oftenly be regenerated on account of presumptive damage of the scale pockets. (2) The early regenerative scales have a broad sculptureless focal area occupying almost all of the scale dimention, and they resemble the ordinary scales of Cobitis taenia. (3) Regenerative scales observed 172 days after the operation are a little smaller in the whole shape and somewhat fewer in number of circular grooves than the ordinary ones. As time goes by, the structure of the former bears resemblance to that of the latter and consequently when the breeding of the fishes is continued, it may be supposed that these regenerated scales would completely return to the ordinary ones.
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