カサゴ類の鱗の研究-2-ハチApistu carinatus(T. et S.)の鱗の特異性
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The rock fish, Apistus carinatus, forming Apistinae with one genus and one species in systematics is readily distinguishable from species of other subfamilies, owing to its singular ctenoid scales in Scorpaenoid fishes. The conspicuous scale characters of the fish are the shape and arrangement of its spines (or rather projections), viz., a few rootless spines are arranged in a line. The middle part of the spines has a lengthwise ridge, tapering to a niblike form. In these points, the scale presents an entirely different aspect when compared with that of Sebastinae with rasp type in arrangement, those of Scorpaenopsis cirrhosa and Scorpaena izensis in Scorpaeninae with Gobiidae type, or those, which are cycloid, of Setarches in Setarchinae, Pteroinae and Congiopodidae.
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