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Cycloid scales found in Scorpaenoid fishes and the phylogenetical significance of their existence are studied in this paper. Scorpaenicae has both scaled and scaleless fishes, and the scale character of the former is, when compared, quite different from that of the fishes of the other superfamilies in Order Cottida, distinctly showing the characteristic as a super-family. There are three groups in scaled Scorpaenicae, which are fishes with cycloid only, fishes with both cycloid and ctenoid, and those with ctenoid only. When they have both ctenoid and cycloid, though, most of their scales on the body are ctenoid, while cycloid remain only in a part of the body, e. g., on the breast or belly. Judging from the fact that cycloid scales remain like this and the existing condition of specialization or degeneration of the structure, the author believes that one side or the evolution of Scorpaenoid fishes can be presumed. And when the existence and structure of these cycloid scales are referred to the suggested generalogical tree by Dr. MATSUBARA, K. (1955), both generally correspond with each other, except that they do not in a part alone where, e. g., Genus Apistus is regarded as a branch of Cocotropus-stem.
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