サバはね釣漁業における撒餌量および集魚灯の漁獲におよぼす影響 (サバ釣漁業の研究-1,2-)
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In the pole and line fishing for mackerel to make them lure long in the illumination zone of attracting fish lamps, it is necessary to scatter ground baits continuously on the illuminated water until the fishing end. Thus, the effects of ground baits and attracting fish lamps on the catch of the fishing may be very serious. In this paper the effects were investigated by the comparison between the catch of the boats based on the same harbour and the factors affecting on the catch, using the logbooks of the fishing boats operating in the sea near Boso Peninsula, Chiba Prefecture. The results obtained are as follows: the consumption of ground baits has the most close relation to the catch compared with other factors, such as the tonnage of boats, the number of crew and the power of generators, and simultaneously, from the relation between fishing ability and light intensity (Fig. 3), a higher intensity of the lamps over 300 watts per an angler seems to be disadvantage for the fishing.
- 社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
- 沿岸底延繩漁業における浸漬時間と釣獲率
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- 2-2. Mackerel fishing and light
- サバはね釣漁業における撒餌量および集魚灯の漁獲におよぼす影響 (サバ釣漁業の研究-1,2-)
- サバはね釣漁業における撒餌の効率 (サバ釣漁業の研究-1,2-)
- サバはいから釣漁業における魚群探知機の効果 (サバ釣漁業の研究-3,4-)