Traumatic Sinus Pericranii:Case Report
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The patient was involved in a traffic accident at the age of 1 and the left parieto-occipital scalp was contused without skull fracture. At the age of 5, an extracranial scalp mass was first noticed just beneath the multiple scalp scars. Angiography through the mass revealed that the extracranial mass cavity was connected to the superior sagittal sinus through the emissary veins. The mass located in the subgaleal, epiperiosteal space was totally resected and the connection with the intracranial sinus was closed with bone wax. Histologically, there were many capillaries and some large blood cavities with only one layered endothelium and connective tissue. Therefore, the mass was diagnosed as sinus pericranii and considered to be secondary to previous head trauma because: 1) The patient had a history of head trauma with considerably severe scalp injuries. 2) The extracranial blood sinus was located exactly beneath the traumatic scar. 3) There was no neoplastic tissue histologically. 4) No scalp mass was noticed before the traffic accident. 5) There was an elapsed time between the trauma and the growth of the mass. 6) No scalp nevus such as port-wine stain existed.
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