Effects of ethanol and dietary protein on the acid-soluble nucleotides of the rats liver.
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Male Wistar rats were paired feeding with standard diet, low protein diet, and with and without 36% ethanol. And the patterns of acid soluble nucleotides in the liver were analyzed. And the following results were obtained.<BR>1. The levels of triglycerides in the liver were higher in low protein-ethanol diet group, and fatty infiltration of hepatocytes, centrolobular fibrosis and pericellular fibrosis were observed.<BR>2. Cytosine triphosphates decreased significantly in this group. Adenine nucleotides were affected remarkedly by ethanol and dietary protein.<BR>3. In low protein-ethanol diet group, Atkinson's adenylate energy charge markedly decreased, and the redox state deviated markedly to reduction state. These factors may accelerate in turn the development of fatty change in hepatocytes and hepatic fibrosis.
- 社団法人 日本肝臓学会の論文
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