- 論文の詳細を見る
The volume of drop detached from a vertical nozzle was measured in two flow systems where the continuous phase with uniform velocity flows parallel or normal to the nozzle axis. Smaller drops were formed in the latter case under the same operating conditions. In the case of low feed rate of dispersed phase, the mean volume of drops could be correlated with a single operating parameter <I>We</I> based on the balance of forces, i. e., buoyancy, surface tension, inertia of dispersed phase and drag by continuous fluid, acting on a drop just before detaching from the nozzle. It was found that the distribution of volumes of dispersed drops obeys the normal distribution function and that the dependency of the standard deviation on Reynolds number corresponds to that of the drag coefficient for the drop calculated from the force balance.
- 社団法人 化学工学会の論文
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