Clinical and MRI Findings of Lissencephaly in a Mixed Breed Dog
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A 7-year-old castrated male mixed dog was presented with a complaint of acute pain. The dog had suffered from isolated seizures for two years. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain revealed a smooth brain surface due to lack of gyri and sulci formation of the cerebrum and thick cortical grey matter. Additionally, ventriculomegaly and arachnoid cyst were noted. Multiple spinal cord compressions induced by intervertebral disc protrusion were observed on cervical MRI. Based on these findings, the dog was diagnosed as lissencephaly concurrent with intervertebral cervical disease. After therapy for seizure and cervical pain, clinical signs were completely resolved. To authors knowledge, this is first case report to diagnose lissencephaly in a mixed breed dog.
Kang Byeong-teck
Bk21 Program Of Basic And Diagnostic Veterinary Specialist Program For Animal Diseases And Departmen
Park Hee-myung
Bk21 Program Of Basic And Diagnostic Veterinary Specialist Program For Animal Diseases And Dep. Of V
Lim Chae-young
Lim Chae-Young
BK21 Basic & Diagnostic Veterinary Specialist Program for Animal Diseases and Department of Veterina
LEE Kyo-Im
BK21 Basic & Diagnostic Veterinary Specialist Program for Animal Diseases and Department of Veterina
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