Equilibrium Function Test Findings in Cases of Shy-Drager Syndrome
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Equilibrium function tests were carried out in twelve cases of Shy-Drager syndrome. Orthostatic hypotension appeared in eleven and cerebellar ataxia was found in all.<BR>The results are summarized as follows : <BR>1) Spontaneous nystagumus was found in six cases : gaze nystagumus in three, positional nystagumus of direction changing type in three, vestibular nystagmus in two.<BR>2) In the eye-tracking test, ETT, saccadic eye movement was provoked instead of smooth pursuit.<BR>3) In the optokinetic nystagumus pattern (OKP) test, all patients revealed abnormal patterns of OKN.<BR>4) In the pendular roatation test, PRT, normal rotatory nystagumus was induced in ten. However, abnormal following eye movements appeared in five patients who were asked to follow a standstill target during pendular rotation stimulation.<BR>5) As compared with so-called spino-cerebellar degeneration, slow eye speed in the slow phase of OKN and a fewer number of total beats were usually obtained in cases of Shy-Drager syndrome rather than in cases of spino-cerebellar degeneration.
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- Equilibrium Function Test Findings in Cases of Shy-Drager Syndrome