- 論文の詳細を見る
An autonomous navigation method for intelligent mobile robot was proposed by authours.It uses two levels of map informations, ie. worldmap and route-map. The route-map includes the geometric information of path from start-point to destination, and the surrounding data along the path. The execution system to travel along the route-map using sensor information is named route-runner.<BR>In this paper, the date format of route-map to represent the building environment is defined and the algorithm of route-runner is given.<BR>Route-runner has the functions as;<BR>(1) travelling straight and turning according to the route-map, <BR>(2) adjustment of robot's own position information using map and sensors, <BR>(3) take proper action for obstacles on the route.<BR>For practical experiment, "route-runner" is implemented on the self-contained mobile robot Yamabico 9.
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