Vocal Repertoires and Classification of the Sika Deer Cervus nippon
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A total of 620 calls of six sex/age classes of the sika deer Cervus nippon was tape-recorded through seasons and sonagraphically analyzed. Of five call groups identified, two were loud clear calls with high fundamental frequencies. The loudest and longest of these was used for territorial advertisement, while the other, used when alarmed, was high and short. Two other call groups consisted of clear calls or harsh noises, involving many call types the physical structure of which overlapped each other ; these two groups were used for maternal contact, sexual contact, attack, or appeasement at close range. The five call groups were further subdivided into 13 call types. Ten were given by adult males and seven by adult females. Repertoires of subadults and yearlings consisted of parts of the repertoires of adults of the respective sexes. Males increased their range of call types and frequency of calling during the rutting season, while most female calls were used for maternal contact regardless of seasons. The fundamental frequency tended to decrease with age and was higher for adult females than for adult males.
- 日本哺乳類学会の論文
南 正人
南 正人
Department of General Thoracic Surgery, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Minami Masato
Department Of Cardiothoracic Surgery Dokkyo Medical University School Of Medicine
Department of Biology, Osaka City University
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