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Amorphous powders with composition (Fe<SUB>3</SUB>B)1-X(Nd<SUB>16</SUB>Fe<SUB>78</SUB>B<SUB>6</SUB>)X(0.250≤X≤0.438) were prepared by mechanical alloying (MA) for 30h in Ar. These MAed powders were heat treated for crystallization at 873-973K in vacuum, and their magnetic properties were studied in connection with the composition and the heat treatment temperature. The optimum heat treatment temperature was found to be at 893K, where the specimen was composed of the hard magnetic phase of Nd<SUB>2</SUB>Fe<SUB>14</SUB>B, and the soft magnetic phases of Fe<SUB>3</SUB>B and a -Fe. The coercivity increased with increasing Nd concentration, while the saturation magnetization decreased with increasing Nd concentration. The coercivity of 2.80kOe and saturation magnetization of 144emu⋅g<SUP>-1</SUP> were obtained in the 5.0 at% Nd specimen. TEM photograph showed that the grain size of crystallized powders was about 30nm, irrespective of Nd concentration.
- 金属間化合物の粉末冶金と諸物性
- NH_3雰囲気中メカニカルグラインディングによるSm_2Fe_N_x異方性粉末の作製
- β-FeSi_2の熱電特性に及ぼすTi, ZrおよびNb添加の影響
- CoSb_3の熱電特性に及ぼすMGの効果
- NH_3雰囲気中メカニカルグラインディングによるSm_2Fe_N_X粉末の作製と磁気特性
- La_A_xS_4(A=Ba, Ca)の熱電特性
- MA法による(Sm-Co)+Fe磁石粉末の作製と磁気特性
- (NH_3+H_2)混合ガスによる異方性Sm-Fe-N系磁石の作製およびその磁気特性
- MG法により作製したSm_2Fe_Nx粉末の磁気特性の改善
- MA法によりSiCを分散したFeSi_2の熱電特性