プラズマ粉末溶融法による磁性砥粒の製造 : マトリックスの影響
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Magnetic abrasive polishing process was experimentally tried to finish the mold surface. Magnetic abrasives are playing a very important role in this process. NbC-Fe magnetic abrasives were newly produced by Plasma Powder Melting (PPM) Method. This study aims to investigate the relationship between Fe matrix and the grindability of PPM magnetic abrasives. The carbon content range of maximum bending modulus of Fe matrix was 0.4 to 0.6 Wt%. The maximum grindability of NbC-Fe magnetic abrasive was obtained in the carbon content range of 0.4 to 0.6 Wt%. These carbon contents range agree with each other precisely and the results suggest that there exists an adequate correlation between the elasticity of Fe-matrix and the grindability of PPM magnetic abrasives. It is possible to fabricate high grindability magnetic abrasives using more elastic Fe-matrix like alloy steel. In order to increase the removal rate, it is nesessary to investigate the influence of Fe-matrix conditions in more detail.
- 社団法人 粉体粉末冶金協会の論文
中川 威雄
真崎 浩一
安斎 正博
真崎 浩一
中川 威雄
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