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Hydrothermal treatment of an equimolar mixture of Ni(OH)<SUB>2</SUB> and γ-MnOOH in a 1 N-NH<SUB>4</SUB>OH solution gave a new compound NiMnO<SUB>2</SUB>(OH). The reaction temperature and pressure were 200°C-320°C and 100 MPa, respectively. SEM photographs showed that the compound had a characteristic rectangular shape and the size of particles was around 5μ×0.1μ×0.1μ. I.R. spectrum and powder X-ray diffraction pattern of the compound were also shown. By calcinating the compound in air atmosphere, it decomposed to a ferromagnetic NiMnO<SUB>3</SUB> of illmenite structure near 350°C and further to Ni<SUB>1.5</SUB>Mn<SUB>1.5</SUB>O<SUB>4</SUB> of spinel structure above 800°C. TG and DTA data were also given. This is the first case when a ferromagnetic NiMnO<SUB>3</SUB> was obtained under the normal atmospheric pressure.
- 社団法人 粉体粉末冶金協会の論文
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