- 論文の詳細を見る
Total serum protein contents and electrophoretic fractions in patients with chronic sinusitis were estimated, and the values were compared with that in healthy persons on the point of view on mucosal type, autonomic nerve function and operative intervention in the former cases.Further, experiments were mode on rabbit sinusitis and the following results were obtained.1) Total serum protein contents in patients with chronic sinusitis showed a slight increase, when they were compared with that in healthy persons.But a decrease in albumin and an increase in globulin fractions, especially of r-globulin was noted electrophoretically.2) Total serum protein contents and their fractions in the various mucosa from showed only a small difference.3) Total serum protein contents in vagotony and their labile states showed a slight increase, when they were compared with that in normal persons.A decrease in albumin and an increase in globulin fractions was noted electrophoretically.4) Postoperative total serum protein contents showed an increase, when they were compared with the preoperative contents and a decrease in albumin and an increase in globulin fractions.was noted too.5) Fluctuations of serum protein in patients with chronic sinusitis were influenced mainly by grade of destruction of local protein and by function of various organs e.g.liver, kidney, .glandula suprarenalis.But from experiments on rabbits, we found that the cause of fluctuations in serum protein was influenced by degree of stress, whether it was inflammatory or allergic.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
- 65.鼻アレルギーの臨床的検討(鼻アレルギー)
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