- 論文の詳細を見る
17-ketosteroid contents in urine were estimated by meams of DIREKTERs method modified by KISHIMOTO and MATSUMOTO, on the patients of various diseases such as chronic paranasal sinusitis, chronic suppurative otitis media, chronic tonsillitis, atrophic rhinitis and carcinomas of the maxillary sinus, pharynx, larynx and esophagus, as well as sarcoma of the tonsils.Particularly, in the patients with chronic sinusitis, a comparision of different values of 17-ketosteroid contents in the urine were made in association with age, sex, duration of illness, presence of hepatic dysfunction, histopatholcgical changes of the mucous membrane and the influence of operative intervention.On the other hand, the mixture of 17-ketosteroid in urine were analysed by paper chromatography.The following results were obtained:The difference between the 17-ketosteroid contents in the urine of cases without carcinomatous ca:hexy or hepatic dysfunction and those of normal were found to be slight.The 17-ketosteroid contents in the urine of patients with chronic siunsitis or chronic suppurative otitis media showed a tendency to decrease, while in cases of chronic tonsillitis, they remained approximately within normal values, in case of atrophic rhinitis being markedly decreased.In cases of malignant tumors, however, they were revealed to show inconstancy, depending upon each individual, which might exhibit either an increase or decrease.The 17-ketosteroid contents in the urine of patients with chronic paranasal sinusitis showed variations dependable on age, sex and the grades of inflammation of the mucous membrane.An operative intervention was also found to cause a shift in the 17-ketosteroid contents in urine and it had been already pointed out by ALBRIGHT.The fluctuation of value of the 17-ketosteroid was influenced by the degree of operative inter- vention;for example, in cases with a restricted diet after operation, there was a marked tendency to show variations in its value.On the other hand, 36 patients with chronic paranasal sinusitis were investigated by paper chromatography, androsterone being recognized in all cases, etiocholanedione in 9, progesterone in 2, pregnandiol in one and unknown steroids with indefinite Rf-value in 4.The fate of androsterone was different from that of 17-ketosteroids.In this connection, the authors possess prospective view that if we could improve the techniques of paper chromatography, we should be able to obtain more interesting findings.
中西 綾子
高須 照男
赤井 俊吉
安井 弘子
赤井 俊吉
安井 弘子
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