水平眼球運動伝導路の研究 : 視運動眼振検査を手がかりとして
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The optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) has the slow phase and the fast phase. Based on the most prevailing concept that the slow phase is conducted through smooth pursuit pathway and the fast phase is done through saccade pathway, first step of this study is to establish these two pathways.Optokinetic nystagmus test was performed in the patients with the lesions in known sites of the central or peripheral vestibular system. In this study, a new method of OKN test which was developed in our laboratory since 1974 was used. The method is called as one-stimulation/one-response method. The abnormal findings of the OKN were analyzed to elucidate the motor pathways of smooth persuit and saccade movements of the eye.The results were as follows:1) Two pathways of saccade movement of the eye were postulated. The dominant one starting from the frontal eye field is widely known. The abducent nucleus and its adjacent area was found to play an important role in this pathway and designated as the saccade center.The other pathway also starting from frontal eye field, might run to the basal ganglia and to superior colliculus. Then it might run to the pontine nucleus through the tecto-pontine tract, and might finally end in the saccade center of the opposite side through the cerebellar vermin.2) The medial vestibular nucleus was found to be an important area in the pathway of pursuit movement of the eye, and was known as the relay station. The connection between the nucleus and the flocculus and the fastigial nucleus was postulated. The connection between the medial vestibular nucleus and the cervical region through the cervico-ocular reflex and the spino-vestibular tract was also postulated. These hypothesis is believed to be useful in the analysis of the results of OKN.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
- パーキンソン病の重心動揺
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