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Penetration of aerosol into the paranasal cavity by vibration was investigated using a simple model of the nasal and paranasal cavity connected each other with the model ostium which has various diameters. Nasal vibrator used was the aerosol vibrator QV-301W (Nihon Kohden). Amplitude of pressure change and the wave pattern produced by vibration were recorded simultaneously both in the nasal and paranasal cavity using pressure transducer (Statham P 50) and cathode ray oscillograph to evaluate the effect of diminished patency of the model ostium upon pressure damping through the ostium.When the diameter of the model ostium was more than 1.5mm, amplitude of the pressure change in the paranasal cavity was larger than that in the nasal cavity due to resonnance and reflex of the pressure waves in the ostium and the paranasal cavity. When the diameter of the ostium decreased to less than 1.0mm, amplitude of the pressure change in the paranasal sinus decreased markedly.Effect of vibration upon penetration of aerosol of antibiotics into the paranasal cavity was evaluated by bioassay using cup method with bacillus subtillis ATCC 6633. Surface DKB concentration in the paranasal cavity was measured, when 5% solution of 100mg of 3, 4-dideoxykanamycin B (DKB) was nebulized by the jet type nebulizer into the nasal model. When vibration output was 120dB in intensity and 120Hz in frequency, surface DKB concentration in the paranasal cavity was 31±7.2-2.8±2.2μg/cm2 in correspondence with ostium diameter ranging from 3.0mm to 1.0mm, which decreased to 0.39±0.04μg/cm2 in the model with ostium diameter of 0.5mm.Penetration of aerosol into the paranasal cavity was affected largely by frequency and amplitude of pressure changes in the paranasal cavity.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
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