重心動揺分析法 : 重心動揺領野と重心動揺軌跡距離
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Using.straingauge-platform system which records displacements- of the center of gravity (CG), two techniques to evaluate the amount of the CG displacements were developed.One of these techniques is making up the Bodys Centrogram which can be constructed from the measurement of four components of the area occupied by the locus of CG.The four com-ponents measured were lateral(X), antero-posterior(Y) and two oblique diameters(OBIand 0B2).Another technique is to calculate the length of the locus followed by CG using anelectronic computer.1.Bodys CentrogramFour components measured were larger during the trials with eyes closed than during those with eyes open.The rate of increase was below 100% in each of the components.The ratio of the Y component to the X component was around 1.00 during the trials with eyes open and it decreased to below 1.00 during those with eyes closed.The ratio of the OB1 component to OB2 component showed a little difference between trials with eyes open and those with eyes closed.There was no sex difference in the X and Y components, however, the oblique com-ponents revealed some difference in the Manns position with left foot forward and eyes closed resulting in significantly smaller sway in female subjects.2.The length of the locus followed by CGOn the total length of the locus followed by CG the female subjects showed significantly smaller values with head tilted towards the left and eyes open, on the 15-right-tilted platform with eyes open and in data obtained with Manns positions except for that of the condition with right foot forward and eyes open.3.The relationship between Bodys Centrogram and length of locus of CGThe relationship between the size of Bodys Centrogram and the length of the locus followed by CG was estimated by the statistical comparison between the ratios of the Y component to X component in the Bodys Centrogram and those in the length of the locus of CG.Positive correlation coefficients were obtained in all combination of groups calculated.The results suggested that the difference of the coefficients between the trials with eyes open and those with eyes closed was statistically significant only under the condition of head tilted towards the upward.There was no sex difference in correlation coefficients.
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