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The author developed a new ultra micro method of protein determination for labyrinthine fluid, and labyrinthine fluid of guinea pigs and rabbits under various conditions was analysed and following results were obtained.1) The author developed a new ultra micro method of protein determination applying the principle of crystal pattern of drop. The principle of the method was discussed and by using this method, it was found that total protein level of the perilymph was higher than that of the endolymph or the spinal fluid, and lower than tnat of the serum.2) Applying the crystal pattern of drop and ultrafiltration under negative pressure, two new effective methods to concentrate ultra micro samples were developed. By these methods, the paper electrophoresis of protein in labyrinthine fluid was performed.3) In experimental otitis media and tubal stenosis, changes in protein level of perilymph was observed.4) Changes in protein level of labyrinthine fluid caused by sound stimulation, egg white allergy Reilly's phenomenon, liver and kidney disturbances were closely observed.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
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