4. Present Status of Ostomy Appliance
- 論文の詳細を見る
Ostomy appliances play the most important role in stoma rehabilitation. Esp ecially in natural evacuation, it may fairly be said that the better after care of ostomy patient depend on adequate choice of ostomy appliancs.<BR>Estimated number of ostomy patients in Japan is one hundred thousands, and only five hundreds belong to ostomate clubs, to whom up to date information about ostomy care may be given. Namely, it is major problem for stoma rehabilitation in our country to call and care of the rest, non-organized ostomy patients.<BR>Many kinds of good for ostomy care are in the market, whereas many of homemade appliance are also used. Although correct inquiry about present status of ostomy appliances can not be performed, it is sure that adhesive appliances are used most commonly because of suitableness for all types of bowel habit and food confining capability of odor.<BR>From economical aspect, most of ostomy patient use appliances of cheap but of poor quality because of heavy economical burden. The compensation system of ostomy appliance by public expenses should be established without delay in our country.
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