9. Endoscopic Diagnosis of Early Colorectal Carcinoma
- 論文の詳細を見る
A total 36 cases of early colorectal carcinoma were collected at the Aich Cancer Center Hospital during the period 1965 to 1973. Early colorectal carcinoma is defined as a lesion that cancer cells are confined to the mucosa or/and submucosa regardless of regional lymph node involvement.<BR>On gross specimen, a protruded lesion was predominant in early carcinoma; 100% in "m" lesion and 74% in "sm" lesion. On the other hand, an ulcerated lesion was more common in early advanced carinoma; 88% in "pm" lesion and 94% in "ss" lesion. Diagnostic accuracy of endoscopic examination was 46.2% in "m" lesion and 82.4% in "sm" lesion. Endoscopic misinterpretation as a benign polyp was made in 10 cases of early colorectal carcinomas ; 7 of "m" lesion and 3 "sm" lesion. The fact suggests that endoscopic observation alone does not always help to distinguish early colorectal carcinoma from benign polypoid lesion.<BR>Endoscopic biopsy and cytology are, therefore, of great value in establishing a differential diagnosis of those lesions and in detecting early colorectal carcinoma. Furthermore, currently available technique for colonoscopic polypectomy plays an important role in not only making a definitive diagnosis but also treatment of a pedunculated polypoid lesion of the large intestine.
- 日本大腸肛門病学会の論文
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- 9. Endoscopic Diagnosis of Early Colorectal Carcinoma
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