5. Preoperative Arteriography and Microangiography of Colonic Cancer and Ulcerative Colitis
- 論文の詳細を見る
Selective arteriographic findings were analysed in 17 cases of colonic cancer and 3 cases of ulcerative colitis comparing with microangiography and histological finding of resected specimen. All of 17 cases revealed advanced cancer and ulcerated type. Histological diagnosis were well differentiated adenocarcinoma. The preoperative arteriographic signs generally showed the changes in protuberant areas in microangiographic study and consequently indicated the extend of tumors. The microangiographic pattern in the tumors were very chaotic. In areas of ulceration hypovascular and fine tumor vessels, in protuberant areas hypervascular and much tumor vessels, and in outside of tumor normal vascularity and small changes of the course in part were demonstrated.<BR>Arteriography of ulcerative colitis was performed during clinical and histological early remission stage in all cases. The microangiographic pattern varied in parallel with histological features. In areas of ulceration, hypervascularity in submucosal vessels and irregularity in part in penetrating vessels were demonstrated. In area of regenerative epithelium, mucosal vessels were similar to normal, but dilated and hypervascular submucosal vessels were demonstrated.<BR>Capillary blush in the preoperative arteriographic signs generally showed dilated vessels in submucosa and consequently early venous drainage is suspected to be depended on A-V shunt in submucosa.
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- 5. Preoperative Arteriography and Microangiography of Colonic Cancer and Ulcerative Colitis