Reliability of the Aerosol Size Distributions Measured by Electrical Aerosol Analyzer and Optical Particle Counter and Estimation of the Complex Index of Refraction
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Angular distributions of light scattered by aerosols (phase function) and the aerosol size distributions were simultaneously measured by a polar-nephelometer and two kinds of particle size analyzers, the electrical aerosol analyzer (WAA) and the optical particle counters (OPC) , respectively. Twelve phase functions were compared with those constructed by the measured size distributions using the assumed complex indices of refraction. Then, most likelihood values of the complex index of refraction and the synthesized size distribution were estimated using the least square method. The dependence of the size distributions by the OPC on the complex index of refraction were investigated in order to infer the real size distributions. <BR> As a result : 1) It is possible to estimate the most likelihood value of the complex index of refraction. In this period, the mean values of the complex index of refraction, <I>m</I>=<I>m<SUB>r</SUB></I>-<I>m<SUB>i</SUB></I>·<I>i</I>, were estimated to be 1.5l to 1.54 for <I>m<SUB>r</SUB></I> and 0.012 to 0.026 for <I>m<SUB>i</SUB></I>. But, in order to obtain the optically effective complex index of refraction consistent with the real size distribution, it might be necessary to assume the complex indices of refraction respective to each mode of the bimodal distributions. 2) The size distribution for <I>r</I> < 0.158 μm by the WAA can describe well the optical phenomena by aerosols under usually hazy conditions. Aerosol particles within this reliable range have a share in only about 40 % of the total extinction (or scattering) coefficient. The size distribution for 0.158 < <I>r</I> < 0.5 μm, however, seems to have a large error optically. 3)The OPC has to precisely discriminate the particle size at least because of the optically high response of its distribution shape, and moreover to count the exact number density. It is important to examine carefully the contribution of the size distribution for the unknown regions, <I>r</I> < 0.15 μm apparently, and the effect of the complex index of refraction to optical informations when estimating them using the size distribution only by the OPC.
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