澱粉分解産物硫酸エステルアルミニウムコンプレックスの合成ならびにその抗ペプシン作用,実験的消化性潰瘍抑制作用および血液凝固阻止作用について (消化性潰瘍治療剤としての糖類硫酸エステルに関する研究-1,2-)
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It has been reported in a previous paper that sodium starch hydrolysate sulfate, which has a 60_??_80% degree of hydrolytic reaction, also has an excellant activity on the antiulcerogenic property. In the present work, synthesis of aluminum complex from sodium starch hydrolysate sulfate was carried out, and a synthesis using substituent reaction and that using co-precipitation were formed for application to the study. Comparison among the aluminum complex by substituent reaction and the aluminum complex by co-precipitation showed that aluminum complex by co-precipitation had a superior effect on antiulcerogenic activity in shay rats as compared to the aluminum complex by substituent reaction. Examinations were also carried out on sucrose sulfate-aluminum complex and 60_??_80% starch hydrolysate sulfatealuminum complex by coprecipitation of the various antitulcerogenic properties, antipepsin in vivo and in vivo, and anticoagulant properties. Consequently 60_??_80% starch hydrolasate sulfate-aluminum complex had the strongest activity on antipeptic property in vivo and on various antiulcerogenic properties. Noteworthy is the fact that 60_??_80% starch hydrolysate sulfatealuminum complex produces as a secondary action little effect on the anticoagulant property.
- 社団法人 日本薬理学会の論文
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