Formation of Volatile Acids in Black Tea
- 論文の詳細を見る
The determination of volatile acids (VA) in black tea was carried out by the titration for the distillate of black tea with N/20 NaOH.<BR>The weak or bad smelling black teas showed a tendency to contain much VA. On the course of black tea manufacture, VA increased considerably in the rolling and the fermentation process. When the operational conditions were changed, VA more increased as the longer time and the higher temperature in the fermentation and the drying.<BR>The above mentioned results resembled to those on the formation of volatile carbonyl compounds. When tea leaves were ground with amino acid or aldehyde and fermented, VA of the resulting black tea increased, but the boiled tea leaves after the fermentation could not produce VA from amino acid or aldehyde.<BR>It is, therefore, supposed that the formation mechanism of a part of VA in black tea aroma was as follows: amino acids and unknown precursors→<BR>oxidation by some enzyme<BR>aldehydes→VA
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