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Cytoplasmic and chloroplastic proteins were fractionated by a centrifugal procedure from leaves of oats and ladino clover. Cytoplasmic and chloroplastic proteins prepared from leaves of the same crops contained similar amounts of aspartic acid, threonine, glutamic acid, proline, glycine, alanine, valine, methionine, isoleucine and tyrosine, but there were more basic amino acids and less serine, leucine and phenylalanine in cytoplasmic protein than in chloroplastic protein. On the other hand, there was similarity in amino acid composition between cytoplasmic proteins and also between chloroplastic proteins prepared from oats and ladino clover. In both of the crops, cytoplasmic protein was superior to chloroplastic protein in biological value and true digestibility. In addition, the depression of growth was observed in rats fed on chloroplastic protein. It was also shown that cytoplasmic and chloroplastic proteins prepared from oats were superior in biological value to those from ladino clover.
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