メトトレキサートの体内動態に及ぼす非ステロイド性抗炎症薬の影響: メタ・アナリシスによる検討
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It is well known that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) affect the pharmacokinetics of methotrexate, but there are several reports showing negative consequences. In this study, we evaluated drug interactions by performing a meta-analysis on published data examining the effect of NSAIDs on pharmacokinetic parameters of methotrexate. The combined standardized mean difference of the maximum blood concentration after oral administration of methotrexate was calculated to be −0.00 (95% confidence interval, −0.30 to 0.30) based on 6 clinical trials, and there was no significant effect of NSAIDs (p=0.9967). However, it is also represented that the NSAIDs significantly increased the area under the blood concentration-time curve of methotrexate (combined standardized mean difference, 0.73; 95% confidence interval, 0.32 to 1.14; p=0.0004; 11 trials). Furthermore, the combined standardized mean differences in total and renal clearance of methotrexate were estimated to be −0.80 (95% confidence interval, −1.41 to −0.18; p=0.0109; 6 trials) and −0.76 (95% confidence interval, −1.40 to −0.11; p=0.0220; 11 trials), respectively, implying that NSAIDs interfere with urinary excretion of methotrexate. In conclusion, the integration of the published reports by these meta-analyses shows that NSAIDs increase blood levels of methotrexate by influencing renal excretion of the antifolate.
岩本 喜久生
愛知学院大 薬
岩本 喜久生
上井 優一
上井 優一
鈴木 里彩
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