- 論文の詳細を見る
Dr. Mugio Nishizawa, Professor of Tokushima Bunri University, passed away on May 1, 2010. After his Japan Pharmaceutical Society Award receiving party on April 17, he appeared to be slightly recovered from the spread of cancer metastasis that was in the terminal stage. However, he became seriously ill and died leaving his last words, “Thank you for meeting with people and research projects”. He made significant contributions to natural products chemistry as well as synthetic organic chemistry represented by his cationic olefin cyclization, mercuric triflate-catalyzed organic synthesis, and the development of the immuno-activating TDCM for anti-cancer agent. Furthermore, he left many nice memories of his charming personality. In this issue, a brief review of Dr. Nishizawa’s chemistry and career is presented.
- 社団法人 有機合成化学協会の論文
- 生命科学研究におけるスクアリン酸の活用とその進歩
- 天然神経興奮毒とカイトセファリンの全合成(最前線)
- ヘテロ環状立体制御に基づくα-置換アミノ酸類の不斉合成 (特集 注目される多元素環状化合物の創製)
- 新しいグルタミン酸アゴニスト--興奮性神経伝達機序解明のためのツ-ル (生物の情報伝達物質)
- 有機合成と青いバラ
- 1D17 慣性モーメントを考慮した強誘電性液晶の分子設計と合成
- MS/MSを使ったペプチドの一次構造解析を簡便にする方法 : スクアリル基をCRF誘導基に用いたMS/MS解析
- ピッツバーグの熱い日々
- 西沢麦夫博士を偲んで:人との出会い,研究テーマとの巡り会い
- 西沢麦夫博士を偲んで : 人との出会い, 研究テーマとの巡り会い