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In recent times, the decrease in the number of experienced engineers has become a serious problem. One of the solutions for this problem is to develop a training system which robots assist people to acquire the necessary skills. For developing training system, the extraction and quantitative assessment of information on an engineers motion is required. In particular, force information is important, especially for a contact motion. Thus, quantitative assessment of the force information is necessary. In this study, a “haptic pen” is used to obtain the exerted writing pressures as force information. Next, the most universal motion from among a number of motions of the engineer is selected and the degree of coincidence of the motion with the most universal motion is determined. The concept of “eigen-universality” is introduced to assess motion, which is of the same type and performed by the same person. To quantitatively evaluate the eigen-universality, graph theory and the coefficient of correlation are used. Moreover, using the coefficient of correlation to obtain “universality” helps us to analyze the degree of coincidence between the most general motion and another motion. The validity of the proposed method is confirmed by experiments.
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- 熱感覚コミュニケーション実現のためのペルチェ素子のロバスト熱制御
- ハプティックシューズのための力覚フィードバック制御
- 高度なマイクロマニピュレーション実現のためのバイラテラル力覚フィードバック制御
- 歩行感覚フィードバックシステムのための力覚フィードバック制御
- 異構造デバイスにおける人間の動作の保存と再現
- 実世界環境モデルによる仮想環境の構築
- 実世界ハプティクスに基づくモーションデータベースの構築
- 触覚放送のための連結型マルチラテラル制御による触覚伝送ネットワークの構築
- ハプティックスキャナによる環境表面情報の解析