- 論文の詳細を見る
A huge plain, called the “Saga Plains”, exists in Saga Prefecture, Japan. This plain has been made by reclamation from the Ariake Sea. The inhabitants of the southern area of the Saga Plains depend on the ground water from deep-drilled wells for living and agricultural purposes. Several deep-drilled wells exist in this area. Recently, use of ground water has been reduced, because water conveyance from the river was carried out. For the last 23 years, the chemical components of this ground water have been measured. In 1994, a considerable amount of ground water was pumped out, and the water level reduced substantially due to drought. The water level recovered after two years (1996). “Nui-no-ike” is a pond of spring water at the foot of Mt. Kishima. The supply of spring water to this pond stopped approximately 40 years ago, and the pond dried up. In 2001, the water supply resumed. The direction of ground water was examined using measurement data of chemical components in 1994 and 1996 for the spring water group “Nui-no-ike”. It was suggested that the ground water in the south area of Saga Plains was not influenced by Ariake Sea from these data. The chemical components of the ground waters were similar to those of “Nui-no-ike”. Hence, it was suggested that the ground water was supplied from near the foot of Mt. Kishima.
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